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President’s Report 

By Jim States 

Minutes from the January, 2019 Quarterly Meeting


President Jim States called the meeting to order in which many items were discussed. First on the agenda was the election of new officers which is as follows:

President- Jim States

Vice-President- Sam Perry

Secretary- Jane Hassel

Treasurer- Celine Sawyer

The next item on the agenda was to brief the two new board members, Ken Folchert and George Witte, and letting them know more information about being a LMPOA board member.


A trail update was provided regarding the current trail.

Sandbur control is one item that seems to be a concern in late summer and fall. Nothing was done last year about sandbur control and at this time it was decided not to do anything this year as well as it is the hope that the grass that was planted along the trail will fill in and there won’t be any need for chemical control. Hopefully, nature takes its course and there won’t be any sandburs to worry about.


Jim also reported on the Eagle Scout Project that Keegan Nitsch completed for Jack’s Pond. Keegan finished the project right before the snow blew and will surely be a nice feature this spring and summer.


Jim informed the Board that the government shut down will most likely be a deterrent in getting the trail project approved in a timely fashion. It was the hope of the Board that the approval would have been granted over the winter and the trail could have been constructed this early spring. However, the shutdown did prevent that from happening and at this point, approval has not been granted. Hopefully, it won’t be much longer, but the Board did take the initiative to have the trees cut before the bird nesting rule came into play this spring making it prohibitive to have any trees cut during the spring nesting period. Therefore, five or six big cedar trees were cut this winter so that part of the project has been completed. Now, just need government approval.


The last item discussed regarding the trail is a review to the Board members regarding the Memorial Bench Criteria for purchasing a memorial bench along the trail. The requirements for a memorial bench is for the bench donor to make a donation to the trail fund, pay for both the bench and the concrete to set the bench on. The estimated cost for a memorial bench is approximately $2,200.


The next agenda item was the discussion of future plans and goal setting. Each year, NPPD reimburses LMPOA funds spent for doing upgrades to the Lake. The amount NPPD reimburses is a percentage of the lot leases. With the increase of lot leases, the amount NPPD gives back is increasing every year. In 2019, the LMPOA got a check for over $9,000, which means the LMPOA needs to spend that money in order to get that money reimbursed. This amount will increase this year, so it is imperative, that the Board discusses future projects that money can be spent on. The last few years have been easy the money has been spent on the trail, but once the trail is completed, the Board will need more projects. Some ideas include dredging, installing/upgrading docks, installing ramps, prickly naiad weed control, completing the trail to other areas of the Lake, and/or fish stocking. If you have any good ideas, let a Board member know. They are listed on the back of this newsletter along with their phone number. They would love to hear your ideas.


The last item discussed at the January meeting was in regards to the five trash dumpsters provided at the Lake. These dumpsters are continually getting used by people as a dump by disposing of large items like furniture, mattresses, etc. This is not acceptable by NPPD and is asking for assistance regarding finding out who is abusing the dumpsters. Please know that this is not acceptable and keep an eye out for those who are doing this so that it can be stopped. Installing security cameras might be a project that can be in future years to help out with this situation and other situations that come about periodically in these areas.

Lake Maloney Property Owners Association
Editor: Celine Sawyer
Phone: 308-539-0853

© 2020 LMPOA 

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